Keep your valuables safe with a Safe Deposit Box (not Member FDIC insured)
at Bank of Lake Mills. We offer the following box sizes.(1)
- 3 x 5 Box..........................$25.00 per year
- 5 x 5 Box..........................$30.00 per year
- 3 x 10 Box........................$35.00 per year
- 5 x 10 Box........................$55.00 per year
- 10 x 10 Box......................$70.00 per year
- 12 x 12 Box......................$95.00 per year
- Drilling of Box.............Varies
- Lost Key............................$20.00 per key
- Late Payment............$10.00 (if 30 days past due)
(1) Box sizes vary at locations and are subject to availability.